Français 1 Spoken Test #1

Due: Friday September 20, 2019

Spoken test #1 vendredi le 20 septembre (please carry the conversation with a classmate using the lines below, this is closed notes test, during the test you will not be able to see sentences in French)
S1 - Student 1 S2 - Student 2

S1: Salut! (Hi!)
S2: Salut! (Hi!)
S1: Comment t'appelles-tu? (What's your name?)
S2: Je m'appelle (your name). Comment t'appelles-tu?
S1: Je m'appelle (your name)
S2: Tu es français(française)? (Are you French?)
S1: Non, je suis américain (américaine), et toi? (No, I am American, and you?)
S2: Moi aussi, je suis américain (américaine). (Me too, I am American)
