Welcome To

Period 2 Blue 7th Grade Art

Class Notes

Class Note - 08/25/15 8 years ago
Welcome to WESTart in Room 331 at Natomas Middle School. Attached is the syllabus for the art class. Keep in touch and come visit the class and do art with us.



Upcoming Assignments

Past Assignments

Personal Shields Due: Monday August 31, 2015
Just like the warriors of the Medieval time period, your will design a shield that has symbols that represents your identity. First, think of symbols that represent things important to you, then will out the worksheet. Then you will use a template to make your personal shield out of construction paper. You can use markers, colored pencils, cut paper and paint to design and decorate your shield. After you make it you will fill out Portfolio Sheet--a way to assess and reflect on your artwork.


decorate_the_shield copy
Personal Shield Reflection

Class Folders