Get to know mr. biedel

--- Published on February 13th 2015 ---
Student Blog

by Crystal M and Kristina A

There are a lot of things you may not know about one of our amazing 8th grade teacher, Mr.Bidel. Some people may say they do, but are they sure? Do they know him very well or just as the energetic crazy teacher he is. Do they know his views on Np3 and about his childhood or him personally?

What’s your favorite thing about NP3?

Fellow teachers are fantastic and the students are very cool and eager to learn!

If there was one thing you could change, what would it be?

I would change the late work policy because no one should be able to turn in late work later than one week.

Why did you decide to become a teacher?

1.He humbly thinks and he hopes he’s good at it

2.loves kids

3.loves school schedule (aka breaks in summer and winter)

What do you do to try to make a great learning environment?

I use kids’ energy for good, to make learning fun, and I try to make things relevant, like what’s important for life.

What is one thing you would tell your students to prepare them for the future?

Being a good person is more important than being a smart person and you better work your butt off!

What’s your favorite hobby?

Chess and Reading

What was your favorite thing to do when you were a kid?

Go to church and play sports

Who did you used to/ still do look up to?

Jesus!! My grandma, and famous people of history as well as Abraham lincoln, George Washington

What where your goals when you were a kid and how much did you achieve?

  • Go to get a college degree (Success!)

  • Good Christian (Humbly successful)

  • Great marriage and family (Haven’t achieved YET!

  • Good job (Success)

Go visit the guy with the mustache in room O-1!