What we love about advisory

--- Published on April 08th 2015 ---
Student Blog

NP3 is unique in so many ways. One thing that we have that many other schools do not is an advisory program. Advisory can be defined as a fun, collaborative environment that fosters safety and community. Below are the many reasons why we love our advisories:

  • Our advisory teachers are awesome because they are honest, caring, funny (sometimes sarcastic), encouraging and entertaining. They are our on-campus parents! They always have our best interests in mind and support us in so many ways
  • Advisories activities are exciting and engaging!
  • During CPR (Circle of Power and Respect) we can share our opinions, feelings, and experiences. We are heard!
  • We get to learn different languages when greeting one another
  • Every year we meet new people and make new friends
  • We can celebrate our goals and achievements
  • We learn about life lessons: bullying, kindness, respect, giving, and community
  • We raise funds for many different charities
  • Advisory prepares us for our futures: we participate in college and career fairs
  • Advisory environment is different than a classroom environment; it’s more relaxed and the topics are different (no tests!)
  • We have advisory shirts that represent our “family”
  • Academic Mondays! We have grade checks so we are always aware of our grades and they are communicated to our parents

All in all, Advisories are our school families. They help us grow and learn things that we wouldn’t anywhere else. #weheartadvisory