2021-22 District Updates

NUSD Board Approves 3-Year Contract with CSEA #745

NUSD LogoThe Natomas Unified School District Board of Education approved a 3-year Contract Agreement with CSEA #745, our labor partner that represents the district’s classified employees, during a Special Board meeting held this morning.  The 3-Year Contract Agreement includes an 11%… NUSD Board Approves 3-Year Contract with CSEA #745

Natomas Unified and Classified Employees Reach Tentative Agreement on a 3-Year Contract

NUSD LogoNatomas Unified and CSEA #745 Reach Tentative Agreement on a 3-Year Contract NUSD and our local labor partners at CSEA #745 agreed to a 3-Year Contract Agreement that provides our classified employees with an 11% ongoing raise over the next… Natomas Unified and Classified Employees Reach Tentative Agreement on a 3-Year Contract

Celebrating Every Student Succeeding Honorees

Group of 2022 every student succeeding recipients
Group of 2022 every student succeeding recipientsNatomas Unified School District (NUSD) believes every student deserves equal opportunities to succeed. On every school day throughout California, dedicated educators and courageous students overcome tremendous obstacles to reach their goals of academic excellence. Their success is our success; their… Celebrating Every Student Succeeding Honorees