Dinner for 200? Culinary Arts offers Thanksgiving feast

--- Published on November 22nd 2013 ---
General News

Here’s the assignment:  Cook dinner for 200 people.

Students in Discovery High School’s Culinary Arts program did precisely that, creating a feast that included turkey, ham, chicken, jambalaya, tamales, macaroni and cheese, candied yams, dressing, fruit salad, chocolate chip cookies and upside down pineapple cake.

“I’m so proud of these kids – they did it, they did all of it,” said Chef Monica Graves, the program’s leader, looking at mountains of food for the Thanksgiving dinner served Nov. 21st to students’ families, Discovery High School staff, and to district Trustees  Teri Burns, Lisa Kaplan and President Sue Heredia.

Not only did the feast produce plenty of filled bellies and family fun, Graves said it also taught students valuable lessons about hospitality, food preparation and proper presentation. Students spent days doing everything from peeling onions to preparing potatoes for the event, she said.

Students participating in Culinary Arts applauded the program.

“It actually makes me look forward to coming to school,” said Paul Ruiz, 17.

Latour Bartholomew, 17, said he hopes to parlay his new cooking skills into a career.

“I want to go to school to open a restaurant, so it gives me skills to start,” Bartholomew said.

Ranesha Lewis, 17, said she appreciates that Culinary Arts is learning by doing, active education, with classes led by an expert chef. “It’s fun to do and it’s hands-on,” she said. “I like hands-on. And you get to eat a lot.”

Parents interviewed gave the feast straight A’s.

“Excellent,” said Gratis Brown.

“It was good – they did a good job,” said Sheree Arnold.

“Wonderful,” added Tony Collins. “It makes me feel like I’m back home.”

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