NUSD goes green with new recycling program for campuses

--- Published on August 25th 2014 ---
News & Alerts

Blue means green now in Natomas Unified School District.

The District distributed blue recycling bins to Leroy Greene Academy and American Lakes School today, Aug. 25, launching a drive that soon will ask students and staff at every campus to be environmentally friendly by separating recyclables from trash.

By encouraging reuse of paper, cardboard and plastic products, the District hopes to make a difference environmentally and to send students a message about the importance of diverting recyclables from landfills. The program also has the potential to save the District money.

Natomas Gateways Middle School was equipped with the blue bins when it opened Aug. 13, so three campuses have now gone green. The District’s Ed Center began using recycling bins over the summer.

As the year progresses, recycling bins will be rolled out to remaining campuses in the following order:

  • Jefferson/Bannon Creek/Two Rivers
  • Natomas Park/Heron/Witter Ranch
  • Natomas Middle/H. Allen Hight
  • Natomas High School/Discovery High School
  • Inderkum High School

Materials that can be recycled through the program include classroom paper, magazines,  paperback books, cardboard, newspapers, plastic cups and plastic beverage containers. For more information on the program, call NUSD’s Facilities and Strategic Planning Department at 567-5468.             


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