Ways NUSD is celebrating Sikh Awareness and Appreciation Month

--- Published on November 01st 2021 ---
California Sikh Awareness and Appreciation Month

During the month of November, California celebrates Sikh Awareness and Appreciation Month. In support of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and the Sikh community within the Natomas Unified School District, we are proud to share the ways we plan to recognize and celebrate Sikh culture and history this month.

Poster/Writing Contest
Students are invited to participate in a poster/writing contest to spread awareness and appreciation of our diversity. Students are asked to illustrate the theme in a hand drawing or one-page essay an important fact about Sikh culture. Contest details are available here.

Sikh Workshop
Families are invited to attend a Parent University virtual presentation on Wednesday, November 3, from 12-1 p.m. designed to spread awareness about Sikhs, Sikhism, and how embracing our diversity helps to eliminate bullying and discrimination. Registration is required at www.natomasparentuniversity.com.

We’ll release a podcast featuring members of our own Sikh community.

Later in the month, students at various schools will receive presentations. 

Please join us in recognizing the contributions of Sikhs in our District and around the world. To learn more about Sikhs or how to make classrooms a more safe and inclusive space for Sikhs, please visit the Sikh Coalition website: https://www.sikhcoalition.org.

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